How Itchypalm got its name and why it means so much to us

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Itchypalm was born in 2012 to represent our concept of business.

Itchypalm is a collaborative creative anti-agency where freelancers come together to provide client services—a one-stop shop. 

Therefore, as part of the business concept, we use Itchypalm as an umbrella term for all work produced under that name. 

The first thing people ask us (after they have stopped giggling) is where the name came from. Honestly, Itchypalm was on a long list of potential names, such as Blue Square, jelly, etc., but Itchypalm stuck. One of the best things about the name we have traded under since 2012 is that people remember it, and I call that the hook

The name, ‘Itchypalm,’ comes from an old wives’ tale about the consequences of having itchy palms. The myth is that if your left palm is itchy, you will receive money; if your right palm is itchy, you will have to spend money.

The myth resonated with us as a great way to explain the business process. It shows money coming in and our commitment to Itchypalm’s place within the growing creative economy, essentially putting money back into the industry.

In business, you buy from one person and sell to the next – at the primary level. But business is about relationships, friendships and ultimately, growth and ROI. Working in collaboration or partnership with other creative companies allows us to develop and grow.

Itchypalm ‘s vision is to create a brand that respects its customers, collaborators and creative