I found this amazing book in a second hand book shop in Billingborough, Sleaford. It’s a Puffin picture book which was first published in the 1960’s, if you love typography – you will love this. Fantastically printed (In England) for all you print lovers (smells good – if you are that way inclined) and it still looks very bright, I think the copy that I have was printed in the 90’s but is a re-print of the original 60’s book.

It takes you through the techniques of calligraphy, inks, colours, letter spacing, letter carving, pen lettering, versal capitals and proportioning. Explaining the way to draw each letter correctly, how to pull out certain forms within words and overall make you become a better calligrapher or to merely improve your hand writing and typography style.

I fell in love with the little book seconds after picking it up, it has such a charm. A gorgeous purity of style and substance. It is a part of a series of books and I will definitely be on the look out for the others within the series.