Logo Design

Logo Design can be a complicated process, however I aim to make it as simple as I can for my client.

It can start with just a doodle with an idea or concept. I talk through the doodle, idea or concept with the client and go on to produce a range of mood boards, research based on their market positioning (present or future) and well as that I like to look at the brand in context. How it might look across the literature, website or even app (if applicable).

From feedback and conversations with the client (after submitting the mood boards to them) I then develop a range of initial concepts and ideas to be reviewed by the client. This helps everyone to remain on the same page – understanding each others position within the project.

From this the client and myself would indulge in conversations to forward the project from concept to something tangible.

The logo and brand assets then move into development. This moves the project into its second round of concepts followed by another round of feedback and polishing off the design and its associated assets.

Once this process is complete, I produce a small complimentary brand guideline page (unless agreed to full guidelines), this includes standard design details such as typography, colour, layout and any brand elements created during the Logo Design process.
