Content Creation

Content creation can mean a whole range of things but firstly you need to define the purpose of the content. What is it that you are trying to achieve creating this piece? Once you have defined its purpose, and you have a style guide, you can begin to work on tone and layout.

Create useful, quality content that delivers results – without this there is no point creating content. Create content that is relevant to the target audience, making the post, image or article as useful as it can be to ensure that viewers can associate themselves with it and share as a result.

Promoting content is different across the multiple platforms that we work on in today’s social network. We need to make sure that the piece flows intuitively across multiple platforms but do not share the same piece on every platform – design them bespoke for each.

Content creation can also include a lot of extras such as photography, infographics and animations. The more varied content the more interesting the brand becomes, especially when it is cohesive and consistent.

SEO is a huge part of content creation, especially when content is built upon articles or blogs. I work with a company called Nullstack who provide a well rounded SEO Strategy to push content forwards into the limelight. Ask yourself – what is it that I want for my business online (mobile & desktop)?

Analysing content results leads to us know exactly what users are engaging with and allows us to build on those things and work on the things that fall behind.

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content-creation-design-charlotte overton