Graphic Design in 2018 gave us bright block colour, semi-flat design, responsive logos, striking product photography, photography overlays, gradients and an ever increasing need for simple navigation.
2019 Design is sure to have a huge impact, with UX Design becoming more and more intertwined with standard ‘graphic designer’ practice, with the need for dynamic designers being at the forefront of the industry. The more a designer can overlap into other skill sets the better, the better understanding of the overlap (by designers) will keep them from stagnating and being swept away by new technology and new processes.
One of the trends I am most interested in developing for my own development is colour gradients. They appeared last year and I think that they are here to stay with designers aiming for simplicity and straightforward design. I think that we will also see the re-birth of the functional logo. The reason for this is that brands are much more concentrated on their overall strategy and presence. Making logos develop over its lifetime instead of remaining static. Keeping it fresh and exciting all the time. This coincides with the increasing need to have a brand that it represented using animation, whether it be an animated logo, added sound, multi-touch interactivity or social content.
I love typography and this year I think we shall see more hand drawn pieces within big brands and well as disruptive typography – whether that be perspective, or simple bold design choices on fonts.
Graphic designers are now rare in their pure form. A designer is no longer jsut print based, or just digital, but we are multi-disaplinary with growing skillsets. Multi-disaplnary designers have been around a while, but what is next is going to bet better. Better for society and the way design is used within business and the social construct.
Want to talk to me about design trends?