ItchyPalm has spent 2 years building contacts,
clients, cash-flow and an irrefutable reputation.


What were the early days like?

The early days were like pulling teeth, I was suffering from Depression, trying to make enough money to pay the rent and eat. But I kept going and learnt that hard work does pay off.


What was your vision when you started ItchyPalm?

Growth (personal and professional), financial independence, endless creative energy, freedom and being a boss.


How were you managing finances in that first year?

I spent on over-drafts, credit cards and family. They believed that I could pay them back, and so, so did I.


What advice would you give yourself in that first year?

I would advise myself to plan more for financial difficulties – as I think once you have organised your funds and legal shizzle – all you have to worry about is work and clients.


What’s your advice for bootstrapping small businesses?

I would say – persistence. Hard work, commitment and passion.


Charlotte Rotheram / CREATIVE DIRECTOR @ ItchyPalm 2o12-2104


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