Search Gurus

Business Card design is a key element to business networking and creating contacts. You might think that business cards are a little old school but the fact is that they still work just as well as they did 10 years ago. They serve as a memory reminder of the person we met and connected with that is attached to said business card.

A well designed business card can mean the difference between a new contact contacting you or not contacting you. So it needs to stand out but remain simple and straightforward. Bring the brand to life without forcing it upon the recipient.

Search Gurus wanted a business card that was clear and concise, hence the clean simple design. Leaving the brand and content to rise to the occasion and sell the services provided. A range of designs were created and pitched to Search Gurus before developing a final design. Itchypalm also provided the print on this project using a printer who purchases stock from a sustainable well managed forest. I believe we should act responsibly when ordering any print products and I always strive to move forwards towards fully recyclable materials.

When it comes to business card design, I am heavily weighted towards uncomplicated but complex design. Why complicate something that doesn’t need to be complicated. Make it easy for people to read and get straight to the point of what your business does. Don’t give them a reason not to call you back. Looking for another design service?

Give the recipient multiple ways of contacting you and keep the info to a minimum. Show your brand to the best of its ability and give it personality.

Lastly – make sure you include your website – this is where most users will go to check you and your business out before contacting you.

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