
Dr Locks - Infographic

Dr Locks is a local Locksmith (https://www.drlocksltd.co.uk/) who wanted to highlight the difference between Local and National Locksmiths. This Infographic project was briefed in via another agency and was not a direct client of Itchypalm.

This was a fantastic project to work on, it got write to the point of comparing the costs of using a local locksmith vs a national one.

The concept for the visualisation started with just a  few data points, this developed into a story that we were telling in order for us to convey the value of local vs national.


The infographic style was determined by the brand that was already there, my job was to develop the brand elements into something I could use to portray the data points in all their glory.

When working on an infographic it is important to maintain communication with the agency, or company the style can often be the breaking point for each parties, however keeping the communication open and clear ensures that both the client and agency are happy.

This infographic was used in an online marketing campaign completed by Search Gurus Ltd.

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